Clochers & Lieux de culte : Grand Londres - Royaume-Uni

( version photographique ) -
( pages des Vitraux
et des Chemins de Croix du ...)
Grand LondresUK
All Hallowed by the TowerLondon--UK
All SaintsLondon / Fitzrovia--UK
All Saints, FulhamLondon--UK
All SaintsLondon / Putney--UK
All SaintsLondon / Wandsworth--UK
All Souls ( C of E )London / Marylebone--UK
Bloomsbury Central Baptist ChurchLondon--UK
Christ Church Bentinck ( C of E )LondonUK
Christ the King / EustonLondon / BloomsburyUK
Chinese Church LondonLondon / SohoUK
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, BrixtonLondon / BrixtonUK
Dormition of the Mother of God and All Saints
( Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the )
English Martyrs ( Church of the )LondonUK
Holy CrossLondon / Kings Cross--UK
Holy TrinityLondon / Belgravia / Sloane--UK
Holy TrinityLondon / Brampton--UK
Immaculate Conception ( catholic church of the )London--UK
Immaculate Heart of Mary / Brompton OratoryLondon / South Kensington--UK
Methodist Central HallLondon--UK
Most Holy Trinity R C ChurchLondon / Bermondsey--UK
Most Precious BloodLondon--UK
Notre Dame de FranceLondon / Putney--UK
Our Lady of La Salette and Saint JosephLondon / Bermondsey--UK
Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Simon StockLondon / Kensington--UK
Our Lady of the Assumption, Bethnal GreenBethnal GreenLondonUK
Our Lady of the Assumption & Saint GregoryLondon / Soho--UK
Our Lady of the RosaryLondon / MaryleboneUK
Putney Lower Common Cemetery ChapelLondon / PutneyUK
Putney MethodistLondon / Putney--UK
Saint AloysiusLondon / Kings Cross--UK
Saint Andrew HolbornLondon--UK
Saint AndrewsLimpsfield Chart--UK
Saint AndrewSurbiton--UK
Saint Andrew Undershaft London--UK
Saint Anne's LutheranLondonUK
Saint Anne and All Saints Church, South LambethLondonUK
Saint BarnabasLondon--UK
Saint Barnabas Bethnal GreenLondon--UK
Saint Clement’s ChurchLondonUK
Saint Columba's ( Church of Scotland )LondonUK
Saint Cyprian's Clarence GateLondonUK
Saint Edmund ( now : The London Spirituality Centre )LondonUK
Saint EtheldredaLondonUK
Saint GeorgeLondon / MayfairUK
Saint GeorgeLondon / South BankUK
Saint George The MartyrLondon / Southwark--UK
Saint Giles CripplegateLondon--UK
Saint Helen's BishopgateLondon--UK
Saint James's PiccadillyLondon--UK
Saint James's Roman Catholic ChurchLondon--UK
St. James the Great ChurchBethnal GreenLondonUK
Saint James the Less ChurchLondon / Pimlico--UK
St John on Bethnal GreenBethnal GreenLondonUK
Saint John WaterlooLondon--UK
Saint JosephLondon / Harrow--UK
Saint Katharine Cree ( Church of England )LondonUK
Saint Lawrence Jewry next GuildhallLondon / Guildhall Yard--UK
Saint Luke'sLondon / West Norwood--UK
Saint Margaret's ChurchLondonUK
Saint Margaret Pattens ( Church of England )LondonUK
Saint Margaret's ChurchLondon / WestminsterUK
Saint Mark's ChurchLondon / MaryleboneUK
Saint Martin in the FieldsLondon--UK
Saint Mary's ChurchLondon / Kings Cross--UK
Saint Mary AbbotsLondon / Kensington--UK
Saint Mary AldermaryLondon--UK
Saint Mary-At-HillLondonUK
Saint Mary Magdalen BermondseyLondon / Bermondsey--UK
Saint Mary-le-BowLondon--UK
Saint Mary le StrandLondon--UK
Saint Mary WoolnothLondonUK
Saint MaryleboneLondon--UK
Saint Matthew's Roman Catholic ChurchLondon / West Norwood--UK
Saint Matthew's WestminsterLondon / Westminster--UK
St Michael + All AngelsLondonUK
Saint Michael CornhillLondon--UK
Saint Michael Paternoster RoyalLondon--UK
Saint Olave's ChurchLondonUK
Saint Pancras New ChurchLondon--UK
Saint Pancras Old ChurchLondon--UK
Saint Patrick's Catholic ChurchLondon / Soho--UK
Saint PaulLondon--UK
Saint Peter italianLondon--UK
Saint PeterLimpsfield--UK
Saint PeterLondon / Vauxhall--UK
Saint Peter Vere StreetLondon / Marylebone--UK
Saint Peter-upon-CornhillLondon--UK
Saint PhilipLondon / Earl Court--UK
Saint RaphaelKingston upon Thames--UK
Saint Saviour and St Mary Overie / Southwark CathedralLondon / Southwark--UK
Saint SilasLondon / Pentonville--UK
Saint Stephen'sLondon / Westminster--UK
Saint Stephen WalbrookLondon--UK
Saint Thomas ( now : Duddel's )London--UK
Saint Thomas a BecketLondon / Wandsworth--UK
Saint Vedast alias FosterLondon--UK
Svenska kyrkanLondon / Marylebone--UK
Wesley's ChapelLondon--UK
Westminster AbbeyLondon / WestminsterUK
Westminster Cathedral / Most Precious BloodLondon / WestminsterUK
Wilson Sreet Chapel / The Chapel of the Opened BookLondon--UK

Last updated : Mon, 24 Feb 2025 05:45:57 +0100